Don’t Miss Greater Dallas Organic Garden Club Plant Sale on Oct 2
Date: Saturday, October 2nd
Time: 9am to 3pm
Location: 4448 Twin Post Rd, 75244 (Liddell back yard)
It’s time for the GDOGC Annual Plant Sale!
Just a friendly reminder that the GDOGC Annual Plant Sale is this Saturday, October 2, 2021!
We have a wide range of plants propagated by our members: Basketflower, coreopsis, multiplying garlic, succulents galore, aloe vera, columbine, skullcap, lantana and many more. We also have a wide variety of pots and garden decor.
Randy Johnson Organics donated a nice collection of natives, including native frostweed, coral honeysuckle, chile pequin, and lanceleaf coreopsis.